Social Media Advertising

Are you interested in reaching more new customers or increasing brand awareness for your company? Social Media Advertising is the solution! Shishir Chakma will work with you to generate more leads, website visitors, customers, and revenue. We Guarantee it.

Social Media Marketing

Improve your brand awareness and establish strong connections with your clients.

Begin your social media marketing campaign today with a team of experts from Shishir Chakma.

Our social media marketing agency will offer the most effective social media strategy to efficiently enhance your brand presence online.


Which platform is the right one for your company?

 The platforms available today vary greatly in terms of target groups, conversions, and objectives.

Facebook & Instagram

Advertising on Facebook and Instagram guarantees that you will reach a wide audience and achieve conversions. This is achievable even with a small budget.

linkedin post

LinkedIn Marketing

Are you active in the B2B market? If so, LinkedIn is the ideal platform for you! It allows you to easily connect with specific job profiles that you want to persuade to switch to your products or services.
Pinterest logo

Pinterest Marketing

Discover the true power of Pinterest, a highly valuable platform that is still in its early stages of advertising. This presents a golden opportunity. Let’s start connecting with us.

Making Appealing Organic Campaigns

Posting and preparing creative posts, images, or videos, monitoring engagement, and communicating.

Producing Effective Social Media Marketing Campaigns

We aim to build an authentic audience and increase sales for the business by creating, marketing, and promoting paid social media campaigns.

Handling & Observing your Social media Platform Ranking

Controlling brand mentions, reports, sales, and conversations beyond social media advertising.

Get More Traffic, More Leads And Sales

Affordable, Customized SEO solutions for small businesses and some of the world’s largest enterprises.


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What is Holding Your Website Back?

Slow Page Speed

Slow page issues can have a negative impact on your search rankings, user experience, and overall conversions.

Toxic Backlinks

Toxic backlinks can negatively impact your site's rankings, potentially leading to penalties from Google. Fill out the Form Below to Receive Advice from an Expert

Google Penalties

Check if your website is being negatively affected by any changes to Google's core algorithm. Fill out the Form to Receive Advice from an Expert

Discover Your Current SEO Score

Determine your website's current SEO score and identify any technical issues that can be resolved to improve your SEO score.
