Shishir Chakma Digital Marketing Experts With 11+ Years of Experience

Get More Traffic, More Leads And Sales

Affordable, Customized SEO solutions for small businesses and some of the world’s largest enterprises.

Build Your Brand

We help new and existing businesses establish their online presence. Our carefully selected services, local knowledge, and product budgeting provide flexibility.

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We enable new and existing businesses to create their initial digital imprint.

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We start by creating or improving social media usernames.

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Being listed on the largest search engine today is essential for any business with a digital presence.

Scale Your Brand

Crafting engaging digital solutions for success, we enhance customer relations and boost brand awareness. Your customers are everywhere – we can connect you with them.

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We will assist you in achieving this through custom web design that offers excellent functionality.

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Our focus is on utilizing digital technology to enhance business performance.

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We strategize to help your website appear higher in search engine rankings.

11+ Years Of Digital Marketing Experts

See how we collaborate with rainmakers to fill pipelines with more leads and better clients.

Get effective solutions for your website with appropriate SEO guidelines.

PPC marketing

PPC Marketing

Our PPC services will attract top customers and generate great leads.

Email marketing strategies that drive traffic and conversions. Let’s get started with our email marketing services.

Together, we ensure more leads, increased brand awareness, more customers, and higher revenue for your company!

We create and send well-written press releases to relevant media outlets to promote your business.

Reach and convince your ideal customers with Google advertisements. We are happy to assist you!

We deliver well-crafted, unique content that ranks high on Google and caters to your audience.

Build high-quality guest post backlinks from blogs relevant to your niche, with genuine and organic traffic.

We analyze numerous sites and provide the most relevant genuine backlinks to help you achieve 5k – 100M+ organic traffic.

Enterprise SEO strategies differ from those effective for small and mid-sized businesses.

Our company specializes in providing search engine optimization services tailored for small businesses.

We focus on every aspect, from listing your business on Google My Business to crafting a comprehensive SEO strategy.

Our fully-managed SEO service includes everything you need to enhance the website’s SEO rankings.

We excel at generating leads through email marketing. We create email funnels to effectively generate leads.


Blogger Outreach

We craft and distribute well-written press releases to pertinent media outlets to promote your business.

Get More Traffic, More Leads And Sales

Affordable, Customized SEO solutions for small businesses and some of the
world’s largest enterprises.

What Is Holding Your Website Back?

Slow Page Speed

Slow-loading pages can greatly affect your search engine rankings, user satisfaction, and ultimately, conversions. By promptly identifying and addressing these issues, you can enhance your chances of achieving your desired results.

Discover Your Page Speed Now

Toxic Backlinks

If you're using a link-building service to acquire links from other websites, you might be violating Google's policy on harmful backlinks. Links that negatively impact your site's ranking could result in penalties from Google. If you suspect harmful links, we recommend testing them to ascertain their impact on your site's ranking. Toxic backlinks can indeed affect your site's rankings and may lead to penalties from Google.

Find Out if You Have Toxic Backlinks!

Google Penalties

If your website experiences negative effects from updates to Google's core algorithm, taking action may be necessary. One step you can take is to review any changes made to your website on Google's website. Additionally, contacting Google about the issue can provide information on potential remedies or solutions.

Find Out if You Have Google Penalties

Discover Your Current SEO Score

If you aim to enhance your website's SEO score, there are several steps you can take. First, ensure your site is updated with current SEO techniques. Second, address any technical issues that may impact your site's search engine rankings. Contact us for a complimentary solution to your issue.

Discover Your SEO Score Today

Companies That Trust Me

Our Clients Feedback

Gursel G.
Gursel G.
@Affiliate Marketer
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"Working with Shishir Chakma has been a game-changer for our business. Their strategic approach to digital marketing has significantly boosted our online presence and lead generation. Highly recommended!"
Jerrome O.
Jerrome O.
@Agency Manager
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"Shishir's team has an incredible grasp of the digital landscape. Their creative campaigns and data-driven strategies have propelled our brand to new heights. Their dedication and results speak for themselves."
Muzaffar R.
Muzaffar R.
@Marketing Manager
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"Choosing Shishir Chakma was one of the best decisions we made. Their expertise in SEO and social media marketing has taken our business to the next level. They truly understand our needs and tailor their solutions accordingly."
Bianca M.
Bianca M.
@Crypto Trader
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"I've worked with several marketing agencies, but Shishir Chakma stands out. Their attention to detail, transparent reporting, and consistent communication have fostered a strong partnership. They've helped us achieve remarkable ROI."
John Doe
John Doe
@Agency Owner
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"Shishir's innovative approach sets them apart. Their ability to adapt to the ever-changing digital landscape is impressive. Thanks to their strategies, our brand now enjoys greater visibility and engagement."
Herve Y.
Herve Y.
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"Kudos to the Shishir Chakma team for their exceptional services. From website optimization to content marketing, they've provided us with holistic solutions that have driven traffic and conversions. Truly satisfied!"
Tim S.
Tim S.
@Site Owner
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"As a client of Shishir Chakma, I've experienced firsthand their commitment to excellence. They combine creativity with data to deliver impressive results. Our online presence has flourished under their guidance."
Ayh O.
Ayh O.
@Travel Manager
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"Shishir doesn't just boost numbers; they build relationships. Their personalized approach and tailored strategies have not only increased our sales but also strengthened our brand's identity."
Ryan D.
Ryan D.
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"I'm thoroughly impressed with the impact Shishir Chakma has had on our online visibility. Their comprehensive approach, encompassing SEO, PPC, and social media, has positioned us as industry leaders."
Maxim P.
Maxim P.
@Crypto Site Owner
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"Partnering with Shishir Chakma was a turning point for our business. Their well-coordinated team and data-driven insights have revolutionized our digital marketing efforts. The results speak volumes about their expertise."
Sanjeev K.
Sanjeev K.
@Web Designer
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"I can't speak highly enough about Shishir Chakma's professionalism and expertise. Their ability to combine creativity with data-driven insights has brought a fresh perspective to our digital marketing efforts. Impressive work!"

Ready To Grow? Get Your Free Proposal Today

Receive an SEO proposal from our team of expert staff. We have extensive experience in developing SEO plans for companies in various industries.

Why should you choose Shishir Chakma?

Proven Results

Google recognizes us as the leading digital marketing agency. As the saying goes, numbers speak volumes. Achieving the top position among numerous competitors speaks to our capabilities. You can trust us to help you achieve similar levels of success.

11+ Years Experience

With over 11 years of experience in search engine optimization, we have developed a deep understanding of and expertise in this field.


We specialize exclusively in SEO, unlike other web design or digital marketing companies that offer a wide range of services. Our #1 ranking on Google serves as undeniable proof of our expertise in this field.

White Hat SEO

At Shishir Chakma, we take immense pride in utilizing only ethical SEO practices that align with Google's guidelines. When you collaborate with us, you can have peace of mind, knowing that you won't encounter any penalties or risk being blacklisted by Google. This sets us apart from companies that employ deceitful or unauthorized tactics to manipulate search engines.


Both small businesses and major enterprises like Sandals Resorts, Century 21, J.B. Hunt, IDT Telecom, and K Love Radio have chosen to partner with us due to the results we consistently deliver, our extensive knowledge, and our steadfast commitment to ethical practices.

Provide Superior SEO services

If you're looking to boost your Google ranking and attract targeted visitors to your website, you've come to the right place. We specialize in organic search engine optimization (SEO) to expand your audience reach. Take advantage of our complimentary SEO audit to identify areas for improvement and let us implement the necessary actions to elevate your ranking.

Our objective is to optimize your website for lasting success rather than resorting to short-term tactics to deceive search engines. By focusing on enhancing the overall quality of your website, you'll naturally attract more customers, clients, and distributors.

The Importance of SEO for Your Business

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a crucial element of any business's online presence. With 78% of all website traffic originating from search engines, the significance of SEO in attracting and retaining customers cannot be overstated.

One of the primary benefits of SEO is its capacity to enhance visibility in search engine results. Holding the top position in paid advertisements can result in a 74.81% increase in click-through rates, while even a single average rating star in your profile can translate to a revenue difference of 5-9%.

Consumers heavily depend on online reviews when making purchasing decisions, with studies indicating that between 80-90% of shoppers read online reviews before buying a product. Additionally, PPC visitors are 50% more likely to make a purchase than organic visitors.

Local SEO is a critical component of overall SEO, as the majority of consumers who conduct "near me" searches demonstrate a higher purchase intent. Furthermore, 74% of users trust Yelp reviews before engaging with a home service provider. Over the past year, there has been a 100% increase in searches for products and services "near me".

SEO is more effective than traditional advertising methods like print. Display advertising has been shown to boost website traffic by 300%, and 64.6% of people are inclined to click on Google Ads when seeking to make an online purchase.

SEO plays a vital role in every business's online presence. It significantly affects a business's capacity to attract and retain customers through enhanced visibility in search engine results and targeted local SEO efforts. Moreover, SEO proves to be more effective than traditional advertising methods like print. Hence, businesses stand to benefit greatly from partnering with a reputable SEO company to leverage these advantages.

Do I guarantee rankings?

When discussing Search Engine Optimization (SEO), a common question is whether guaranteed rankings are possible. The short answer is no; it's not possible to assure specific rankings for a particular search term.

This is because Google, the most widely used search engine, adjusts its ranking algorithm multiple times daily, relying on its data. Additionally, the algorithm incorporates machine learning (AI), resulting in unpredictability; even Google employees cannot anticipate which page will rank first for a given search on a day-to-day basis.

It's crucial to exercise caution regarding anyone who claims they can guarantee a #1 ranking. Such promises often prove too good to be true and may result in disappointment and wasted resources.

While specific rankings cannot be guaranteed, there are steps to enhance your website's SEO and consequently, its rankings. These steps include adhering to best SEO practices and educating your team accordingly. Allocating more resources toward SEO improvement can expedite ranking enhancements.

While it's not possible to guarantee specific rankings for a given search term, by following best SEO practices and investing resources into improving your SEO, your website's rankings for targeted search terms will likely improve.

That said, here’s what I do guarantee:

We will follow the best SEO practices and teach your team to do the same. Additionally, your website's rankings for targeted search terms will improve. The more resources we allocate to improving your SEO, the faster your rankings will improve.


We value honesty and will provide you with accurate information. We are committed to helping you make informed decisions, even if it means having difficult conversations. We will always be transparent about the time and budget involved, avoiding making false promises. We believe it is important to give you a realistic understanding of the time and budget required.

Grow Your Website Traffic, Online Leads And Sales

“We offer Digital Marketing Services that are simple, flexible, and affordable for any budget. Please let us know who you are, what your business is about, and how much you can budget. We will then create a custom proposal that fits perfectly with all three.


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What is Holding Your Website Back?

Slow Page Speed

Slow page issues can have a negative impact on your search rankings, user experience, and overall conversions.

Toxic Backlinks

Toxic backlinks can negatively impact your site's rankings, potentially leading to penalties from Google. Fill out the Form Below to Receive Advice from an Expert

Google Penalties

Check if your website is being negatively affected by any changes to Google's core algorithm. Fill out the Form to Receive Advice from an Expert

Discover Your Current SEO Score

Determine your website's current SEO score and identify any technical issues that can be resolved to improve your SEO score.
